Sunday, December 5, 2010

Houses in Trees, Trees in Houses.

I was in my friend's Volvo the other day. We were moving my new bed, which was too big for the back of the van, resulting in it sticking out windows and adopting a rather alarming shape most uncharacteristic of a mattress.

Inside said Volvo was a delightful book about tree houses. And not your regular plank-a-wood-and-two-nails tree house. Tree houses that inspire great people to do great things, simple people to do simple things, but most importantly, inspire the long forgotten imagination to dream.

Imagination becomes reality.


  1. I want the one that's shaped like a castle turrent but nestled near a riverbank, so I can grow my hair and wear a white dress, and pretend to be the Lady of Shallott.

    - Chee

  2. The first picture...this is my dream house! Far from the normal ideals of a dream house haha! I'd feel like I was a fairy living in a fairy house :)


  3. I want one with a moat that I can put giant goldfish in and have lilies and a bridge!

  4. awww i want that too! that would be so cute :)
